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  • Writer's pictureStavros Papagianneas

How to Build a Social Media Strategy That Works

social media

You may have an excellent product, service or idea, but if you are not able to communicate it in an outstanding manner, you are quite simply under-performing with what is possible.

People buy products and services from individuals and companies they know, like and trust. Having a powerful social media presence is the best way to become a trustful stakeholder.

Social media is a primary communication channel and essential to all kind of organisations. It allows you to develop more certainty, clarity, and commercial viability. It permits you to deliver more value and increase the number of people you can serve.

Social media is of vital importance for organisations who want to be on the top of mind of their stakeholders. Google integrates social media information into their search results for millions of relevant searches.

Organisations and entrepreneurs who have the most powerful social media strategy will be in the best position to have success and profit.

Building a following on social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ is one of the most effective ways to cultivate networks of relationships in our days.

Social media helps you determine your ideal market niche that will allow you to stand out from the crowd. It supports you in crafting your business essence and ensuring your business grows as an authentic expression of who you are.

The key to using social media to reach your clients and stakeholders and get the desired result is a well-written social media strategy.

When so much of your business is now influenced, even dependent, on your social media success, having a plan is essential. Each company should learn how to implement social media and how to capitalise its full functionality and advantage.

Every organisation looking to achieve success through social media needs to have a strategy. The plan needs to contain the objectives, the target audiences and their needs, the channels, a content strategy, measurement and evaluation.

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